Next, the fourth grade classes had an EOY bash at school to celebrate completion of another year. They were served fruit in waffle ice cream bowls, topped with whipped topping and chocolate syrup. (My hands were claw-like after slicing up all that fruit!) I wish I had taken a "before" photo because it was really pretty, but as the empty bowls in these photos indicate, it was also delicious because it was quickly devoured.
Afterward, everyone went to the gym for a game of Human Hungry Hippo, which our girls LOVED.
Some live footage:
Human Hungry Hungry Hippo II from Cathi Lindsey on Vimeo.
We laughed and laughed.
The duo had so much fun during their fourth grade year that they decided to continue going all the way through to the end. Unfortunately, Lauren woke up not feeling well on the very last day. Although she did not have a fever, she had a bad headache (allergies), and she took some medicine and went back to bed. She was pretty upset to miss out her last day of fun with her teacher and friends so we decided to pick Grace up at 2:30 so that she could see her friends and have a final goodbye.
Also, George broke the rules a little and totally joined in the classroom fun. As he said, "I'm a Bulldog now; I have to check everything out." So I kind of looked the other way when he followed Lauren down the hall.
Our girls LOVE these ladies and have had the best year ever.
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