Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Keeping it real

I read something a few weeks ago about how blogs are a lot like vacation photos... in that we tend to only show the nicer, shinier parts of life.

So... in an effort to keep it real, here's a quick recap of my schedule yesterday:

1) 8:30am: I delivered our car to the shop to have the air conditioning problem addressed. A day or so after we returned from vacation, I was about to load the girls in the car when Skip reminded me that the air conditioning stopped functioning the day before we left. I had conveniently (and blissfully) forgotten about that little problem. Let's hope it is an inexpensive fix.

By the way, the high temp today was 98 degrees. I am expecting miracles from Bud, our mechanic... miracles that do not involve the word "compressor".

2) 10:00am: I met with a septic tank service company and oversaw the evaluation of our tank. Yikes. Didn't need to see ANY of that. There were no major problems so that worked out well. Still, I was traumatized.

3) 11:30am: I drove to the DMV to renew the vehicles. I agree with Jerry Seinfeld's assessment that the DMV is a leper colony. The people-watching is simply extraordinary! I even took a photo with my phone, but in the non-DMV-light-of-day I would feel horrible about posting it. Let me just say the look this guy was rocking was not good. Not good at all.

4) 1:15pm (note the time gap; time at the DMV stands still): Dropped by the library to return books, pay fines (again) and check out more books.

5) 1:30pm: Stopped at the cleaners on the way home. How can dry cleaning expenses top three figures? HOW?

6) Home, at last.

All glamour... all the time.


Unknown said...

Here's a little tip I've learned about DMV.....

Never, ever, ever, ever go to DMV until exactly 5 minutes before they close (4:55). They are still required to let you in and for some reason become extremely efficient and quick close to their "quitting time". I'm telling you--it works like a charm. You will be in and out in 5 minutes flat. Guaranteed!

The Lindsey Family said...

What is this efficiency you speak of? At the DMV????

Thanks for the tip. Luckily, we do not have to go again for a while, but I may give a try next year.