Lately there have been several comments about the girls' purses, usually expressing surprise that so many items can be contained in such a small bag. I rarely get a glimpse of said items, but apparently they sort through their purses often when in the company of others.
Earlier this week, my mom watched the girls. Afterwards, mom asked if I knew Lauren had Smarties in her purse. "Yes," I said, "I know she has some. She doesn't really eat them so she just holds on to them."
"I mean, she has a LOT of Smarties," she said.

Hmmm. Interesting. I did know that whenever Lauren wanted to insert anything in her purse that it took a good five minutes to reposition everything and that it took all of her strength to get the zipper to close and that the seams bulged a little. I also knew that I had observed Lauren surreptitiously handling Gracie's purse. With an impish sparkle in her eye, she often skips away with Gracie's purse to try to cram in more items.
While I have no plans whatsoever to be a snooping parent, I decided to inventory their bags, given the harmless nature of their possessions.
We'll take a peak at Gracie's purse first:
Inventory itemization:
1/2 Walmart receipt
2 rubber duckies
1 frog (green)
1 pair sunglasses
1 spoon (blue)
1 Abby Cadabby top
1 magnetic letter "G"
1 Disney Princess camera
1 Disney Princess telephone
1 toy baby bottle
3 packs Smarties
Assorted change: 2 quarters; 13 pennies
Lauren's purse contents:
1 drawing, folded
1 Walmart receipt dated 01-24-10
1 Target receipt dated 03-16-10
1 Bath and Body Works coupon
1 Disney Princess camera
1 Disney Princess telephone
1 Abby Cadabby top
1 pink muffin tin
1 whistle
1 My Little Pony
1 purple frog
3 wooden puzzle pieces from an Easter puzzle
2 Princess Aurora shirts
1 small cupcake
1 small spoon
3 Disney Princess items, i.e., a crown, shoe and bird
1 Mr. Potato tongue
1 earring
1 polish/cleaning cloth
1 Tootsie pop
29 packs of Smarties
Assorted change: 2 quarters; 3 nickels; 2 dimes; 6 pennies
Allow me to reiterate, lest you think that was a typographical error: TWENTY-NINE packs of Smarties. As in, almost 30 packs. Over two dozen packs of Smarties. In a tiny little purse, already crammed full of other things. A quick calculation reveals that she manages to carry 67 items in a small purse, 29 of which are Smarties.
Gracie has a mere 29 items. In fairness, her bag is somewhat smaller, and with these types of numbers every centimeter is going to be utilized. Currently, the clear winner is Lauren. We will let you know when her episode of "Hoarders" airs.
1 comment:
Lauren's purse sounds like Bailey's! It it amazing how much stuff she can fit in there.
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