Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I was in Whole Foods last Friday and overheard the following exchange in the Prepared Foods department:

Lady, talking to the Whole Foods deli employee: I have been to four plastic surgeons this week.
Employee: Wow.
Lady: I know... I have been all over town.
Employee: ...
Lady: Well, there is no way I'm getting Botox.
Employee: ...

I'm certainly not judging anyone pursuing treatment options, but rather the naivete. Isn't a plastic surgeon reaching for the Botox tool analogous to the dentist reaching for plaque removal tools -- kind of, I don't know, the first step? I haven't met with a plastic surgeon, but I would imagine it would be a matter of mere seconds before the world "Botox" passed over his/her lips -- just like I know my dentist is going to extol the merits of flossing.

In other words, I restrained myself from leaning in and saying, "Well, they don't offer up the fountain of youth until the third or fourth visit... and your insurance will not cover it.

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