Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fall party

Today I went to the Fall party at school. The girls were very excited, and I was excited that we were not obligated to put together a costume for the party. The original plan was to dress as a community leader, but was later changed, requiring only the wearing of the pumpkin shirts made at the end of September.

There is nothing quite like the dynamic of 20 three and four year old children. (Because of the "birthday rule," they are in K3, although the girls and a couple of their classmates recently turned four.)

The classes trick-or-treated as a class, by visiting other classes to gather goodies. Then, after a feast of finger foods, they sang Fall songs and then settled in to watch a movie.

Hopefully, for all those attending and involved, that will be followed up by a lengthy nap.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Blog hopping and wanted to say hi! I love the shirt idea..and I have noidea how fun and slightly crazy 20 kids would be at a party HA! I guess I better learn/get used to it since my kids will be there soon one day!