Monday, October 1, 2012

Enumerated Update

Hello and happy Monday.  The great news about today is that we have cracked into October, the month that really ushers in fall.  I cannot wait to get out the pumpkins. 

How was your weekend?  What's happening with you? 

Here's what's going on with us.

1)  We have pulled the ultimate parenting coup.  The back story is that Skip and I were picky eaters as children.  We were definitely lunchbox kids.  I would have carried my lunch through twelfth grade, but I think I finally caved to peer pressure in fifth or sixth grade, when I reluctantly starting buying a school lunch.  Skip took his lunch daily until third or fourth grade.  Our girls, on the other hand, are really good eaters.  They have great appetites, like a variety of foods and like to have fruits/veggies with each meal.  They are slightly exacting about how their food is prepared, however.  Given that fact, we thought we were destined to pack lunches for years. 

Not so.  The duo have decided that they like having a "lunch choice" from the school's lunch room.  They check the menu each night and decide if they will carry their lunch or have a "lunch choice" depending on tomorrow's menu.  Over the last couple of weeks, they have purchased their lunch 80% of the time.  Since the menu consists of much healthier foods these days, we are totally fine with the purchase. 

2)  This week is birthday week, with the duo turning six.  SIX!  We cannot believe it.  We are in full swing with preparations and last minute to-do items.  They are beyond excited. 

3)  Gracie lost her second tooth yesterday afternoon during a Sunday afternoon nap.  We were unable to locate the tooth.  After checking her bed thoroughly, we can only assume the tooth is lost in her sheets or was possibly swallowed.  She prefers to go with the former possibility.  Letters were written to the tooth fairy, and she made a second appearance last night. 

Gracie's letter:

Dear Tooth Fairy,
Sorry my tooth is lost. 
What kind of castle do you have?  I lost a tooth today, but we could not find it.  My sister Lauren will lose a tooth  soon. 
Thank you for coming to my home. 
Love, Gracie
4)  The Tooth Fairy came!!!  She also explained that she lives in an lovely castle far away.  Tooth Fairy money is currently burning a hole in someone's pocket. 
5)  We attended Alexandria's football game Friday night.  To clarify, my niece doesn't actually play football, but she is the band's drum major.  To us, it is her game.  Anyrate, the trio had a wonderful time watching the game and especially watching Lexy (LEXY!!!) lead the band.  In fact, the duo probably enjoyed the high school game about as well as they enjoy watching the Crimson Tide -- with considerably less effort and expense. 

 At the Tide's games?  No Lexy.  Case closed. 
6)  We also went to the mall, en familia, this weekend.  Our town's newest shopping center is a large, outdoor mall, but we opted for the old school, indoor mall due to rainy weather.  It's been a couple of years since our last venture to the indoor mall, and the people watching did not disappoint. 
7)  During another outing, I finally got my hands on the iPhone 5, and y'all, I love it.  I played with the camera's panorama tool, and it's really awesome.
Speaking of Apple,  I know all about the issues with the map, but here's the thing: I never use the map on my phone.  Since I never embraced Google maps, I have continued to use the Mapquest application.  There are two things I cannot abide.  The first is Google documents, and the second is Google maps. 

Still, I expect more from your software, Apple.  Also, I am betting the ghost of Steve Jobs is haunting Tim Cook for his excessive apology.  There is probably a lot of yelling involved.
8)  It has been raining here for the last 24 hours.  Mostly the rain was steady but, at times, very hard.  This morning's rain reminded me of the rainy couple of weeks before William George was born.  This morning we sat quietly in the keeping room, and he played while I watched the rain fall.  Now he is taking a rain-inspired power nap. 
That's about it for us. 
Your turn. What's going on? 

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