Monday, October 15, 2012

WGL, 15 Months

William George,

You turned 15 months last Friday, and, as cliched as it sounds, we truly cannot believe it.  We feel like you are skating right past the toddler phase and are choosing to establish yourself as a preschool boy.  From the moment you wake up until I catch you for naps, you are in constant motion, and that means you are almost always in an all-out run.  You occasionally stop briefly to jump -- your new favorite activity. 

You love being outside, and there is a major protest when the time has come for you to go inside.  You acquired your first real pair of tennis shoes last month, and you have definitely broken them in.  You still like to throw balls, but your favorite new activity is exploring anything you can get in your hands.  (We refer to this as the destruction phase). 

You are talking more, and your vocabulary includes:  momma, dadda, Gay-cie, YuYu (for LuLu, our nickname for Lauren), no, hot, cold, dink, tink, "ogurt," cracker, bot-bot, tea and 'ecial tea*.  There are so many others.  Your absolute favorite two words on earth are "go bye-bye".  You are ready to go anywhere, anytime.  You still love music and dance to songs that have a good rhythm.  I like your discernment because you stand stock still during some of the more questionable music selections that appear during the iPod shuffle. 

We went to your well check-up this morning, and Dr. W opined that you are a developmental superstar.  You have awesome balance and flexibility and you are very social and verbal.  You are 31 inches long (85th%) and weigh 21 pounds and 9 1/2 ounces (50-75%). 

George, you are awesome, and you are more fun every single day.  We cannot wait to see you climb the Christmas tree during the holidays! 


*Special tea.  I don't even know where to begin on this one.  This is a very long story, but the girls refer to Diet Coke as special tea, and the significance to them is that they cannot have any sips of special tea -- only regular tea. 

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