Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tooth Fairy

When Gracie lost her first tooth, she was calm about the entire experience, but understandably excited about the tooth fairy.  Lauren, on the other hand, threw herself to the ground and cried about the unfairness of Gracie losing a tooth first.  Needless to say, when Gracie recently lost her second tooth, Lauren really began feeling slighted by the Tooth Fairy and her arbitrary decisions about who loses teeth and, even more importantly, to Lauren at least, who does not. 

Our solution probably puts us in line to be labeled "worst parents ever," but we have had to offer a compromise to all involved.  When a tooth is lost at our house, everyone writes a note to the Tooth Fairy, and those notes are left on the coffee table.  (We are still not comfortable with the Fairy coming into our rooms while we sleep.)  The Fairy responds to the notes and leaves a little money behind for everyone.  (Believe me, I know.  This policy has been tough on my frugal nature, but the Fairy cannot bear the thought of tears.)

Look at those happy faces!  That Tooth Fairy is some peace keeper. 

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