Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sixth Birthday, Second Installment

At the duo's school, birthday cakes/cupcakes and the like are not allowed.  The school lunch room does have various frozen ice cream novelties, and those may be purchased for the class in lieu of cake.  We learned of this policy during orientation, and I immediately saw myself dodging the experience of carrying in a rather large sheet cake... of precariously balancing the cake on top of the stroller, all the while William George would be swatting and hitting at the box.  Needless to say, I was WAY on board with ice cream from the freezer case in the lunch room. 

We sent a note to school indicating that we would love to treat the class to ice cream and that we would be popping in for a surprise lunch date as well.  Their teacher said she announced the ice cream party that morning, and the class erupted into squeals and cheers. 

"Hey everybody, ice cream on us!  It's our birthday!" 

What could possibly be better than that? 

I will tell you what's better. The only thing that could top the magnanimous ice cream provision would be having Daddy appear for lunch.  We arrived, went through the line and ate lunch with the duo and two of their friends.  (If a student has a lunch guest, s/he may choose one friend to join them at the visitor's table.)  The duo choose "V" and "V," the other set of twins.  We had Mexican pizza, carrots, milk and ice cream.  Skip asked if he could regularly pick up lunch, but the kind lunch ladies seemed to discourage regular, repeat business, although we did have fun and will probably do it again soon. 

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