Happy Halloween!
While we are busy snacking on candy corn and getting our costumes ready, I thought I would share our photos from the Pumpkin Patch field trip last Friday.
We went to a nearby camp, and we got to tour the property with various counselors. Our first counselor provided a nature tutorial where she shared various facts about nature. Below you will see that Gracie and Lauren are handling a coyote pelt. I couldn't believe they touched the fur, but Gracie gamely picked up the pelt and passed it Lauren for further handling. They also handled a coyote skull, a box turtle shell and some other odds and ends. They declined to touch the live turtle.
They also visited the camp's rabbits and got to pet Ellie Mae (below).
Gracie wanted to wear her panda ears headband for the trip, and we agreed that panda ears are definitely appropriate for a field trip.
Next we went to the S'mores station.
We have some issues with fire. Gracie previously went to Stix, where she was seated at the hibachi table, and that experience did not go well (we're looking at you, Grammie). We have taken some baby steps toward being unafraid of fire, but Gracie still panics at even the mention of the word. When the camp counselor told the group to tuck in their shirts and checked to make sure every one's long hair was secured (so they wouldn't catch fire), Gracie's nerves were on end. The final straw came when the counselor misspoke and said, "The children will line up and come one at a time to get in the fire," she lost it. The counselor meant to say "line up to get near the fire".
They dug deep and got up their courage to roast marshmallows, and then they made their own S'mores. Lauren's was sans chocolate, of course.
After S'mores, we went on a hayride. Personally, I'm never really sure what to do on a hayride, but we road around for a few minutes while the children threw hay at one another.
Then we went to the pumpkin patch where we heard a Halloween story and then picked out our pumpkins.
They picked good ones, and I got one for George.
After schlepping the pumpkins back to the bus (they carried their own the entire way), we had a picnic lunch, played on the playground, and then boarded the bus for the return trip.
Happy Halloween, and be careful with your celebrations!
We soooo went to different pumpkin patches!
I believe we so did, too. None of the parents realized we were going to this patch until the instructions came home Thursday afternoon. Needless to say, the girls were looking for bounce houses and were handed skulls and pelts instead! Ha!
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