Monday, February 4, 2013

Enumerated Update

We are getting a late start today.  I have had a thousand things to do this morning, and I am volunteering for a fundraising activity today after school.  Quickly, here's where we are:

1)  February:  Better, yes?  Doesn't February sound better than January?

2)  Superbowl:  We, uhm, didn't watch. 

2)  Lists:  No matter how extensive and exhaustive shopping lists are, why is it that something is always left off the list and/or forgotten?  Do you have this problem, too?

3)  Appliance Locks:  Yet another way that toddler boys are different than girls is the necessary use of appliance locks.  We previously had TWO toddlers simultaneously running through the house and getting into everything... yet, I never needed to deploy the appliance locks until William George entered the picture.

4)  Cleaners:  Our dry cleaner's personnel are not very fond of yours truly.  Skip and I have both noticed some hostility from all of the employees.  Although we are super nice to them (in fact, Skip and I have both had the sentence "you're too nice" applied to us over the years), they are hostile with every exchange.  My last experience involved a drop off on a Thursday.  I needed the clothes prior to Monday so when the employee asked if Monday after 2:00pm would be ok, I had to say we needed them sooner than that (I didn't elaborate and explain that my spouse would be on an airplane Monday with a packed suitcase -- a suitcase that would not contain some of those articles of clothing). What happens is that, because of how they process and receive their shipments of clean clothes, the clothes were processed to be returned after 2:00 pm on Friday.  Because I do not need them Friday, I pick them up on Saturday when we are out and about.  In their minds, I make them rush, and then I sashay through the line on Saturday.  I think that may be the source of the hostility.

I also think it's time for a new dry cleaning relationship.

And I think I may have bored you tears with that story.

5) Blackberry:  Secretly, I have been pulling for Blackberry to survive.  Skip is a devoted Blackberry user.  Although we have had some debates in the past (distant past, obviously, given Blackberry's decline) about the superiority of iPhone over Blackberry, I have always wanted them in the game.  I am hopeful that their latest unveiling will be a home run and that they will gain a foothold to stay in the market.  In the meantime, Skip had to replace his mobile phone this weekend, and, since his employer cautioned against purchasing the Blackberry 10 while they decide whether or not to support the device in the future, he went with an iPhone.  As we were driving away from the Apple store, he casually remarked, "You know, I feel like Blackberry should have sent me the new phone, as long as I have been a customer."  Touche.  I feel the same way about my iPhone.  As many dollars as I have handed over to Apple, they could at least throw in a phone.

Since Blackberry is betting the house on that device, I can understand why they are not simply passing them out to their few remaining fans.  A better idea might have been to waive the Blackberry monthly surcharge for using the Blackberry software.  Just a thought.

And that's about it for us.  What is happening in your world?  Did you watch the game?  Which commercial was your favorite?  I know the Budweiser ad is getting the best reviews, but it seemed a little sad to me.  

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