Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Put Me in the Zoo

We have readers now.  They can read and spell... so the days of spelling words around them are over.  I spelled the word "nursery" the other day to keep George from comprehending the word, and Gracie even knew how to spell that.  I haven't posted a big announcement about reading because the progress has been so gradual.  Lauren was especially frustrated at the beginning of Kindergarten because she couldn't read at a satisfying (to her) level.  Like most children today, they knew all of their sounds by K3, and they were reading "readers" in K4.  Lauren wasn't happy with the readers; she wanted to read actual books.  Within the first few weeks of Kindergarten, they were able to read age-appropriate books.  Their reading comprehension has soared thanks to their love of chapter books and especially the American Girl story collections.  They are now required to read a book on their own each night before they are treated to the next chapter of an American Girl book.

Not to be outdone, William George has a new talent as well.  In the fall he discovered a new favorite: Put Me in the Zoo.  His favorite page reads:

We do not want you in the zoo.
Out you go
Out, out with you!

Not surprisingly, he has been able to say "out with you!" for a few months now, and that phrase is his personal philosophy.

We are so excited to introduce them to all of our favorite books!

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