Monday, December 3, 2018

Santa Shop

This is the week for Santa Shop at George's school. We were very fortunate to have a visit from Santa, and George's sweet class was so excited to see him. 

I joke and say I work retail during the holidays, when we have this fundraiser at school. However, these sweet kiddos shopping for their family members is so much more adorable than the harried and stressed shoppers of the general public, I'm sure. We love helping these little guys shop.  

William George was so careful and spent so much time selecting presents for his sisters, his grandparents, Pixie, and Skip and me. He loved being able to shop on his own, and he even helped wrap everything up. 

George is the first one finished with his shopping. Way to go, George!

How's your shopping coming along?

Updated: Whenever anyone mentioned Christmas shopping during the month of December, George smugly said, "I've already done all of my shopping." 

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