Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pumpkin Patch, 2012

We went to the pumpkin patch this past Saturday.  This marked George's first trip, and we were unsure how he would do. 

He did better than expected and enjoyed strolling and running around.


The duo, of course, are old pros.  They enjoyed the jumpers, as well as all the sights and sounds. 

They even took a quick horseback ride. 

And then everyone joined in for some singing and dancing.  George had his patriotism on display and was working the crowd for votes.
George for President, 2052

The duo and I will return to the pumpkin patch Friday for a class field trip, but we sure had a blast there as a family. 


Melanie said...

We may see you guys Friday! Callie has a field trip too!

The Lindsey Family said...

That's so cool! Hope to see you!