Monday, August 12, 2013

Enumerated Update

1) Seinfeld: Do you watch Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee?  If so, do you find it difficult to watch a few episodes and not say "Really?" in a Seinfeld-like way?

For example, when there were only six episodes for the second season, Skip and I kept saying, "Really?" 

Jerry hasn't worked with any kind of sustained frequency since "Seinfeld," but he cannot give us more than six episodes of his internet show.  Really?

2) REM: So you know the song "It's the End of the World As We Know It"?  Sometime during the course of our marriage, Skip and I were talking about REM, and I told him that a single lyric in that song almost ruins the entire experience.  When Michael Stipe sings "feeling pretty psyched," it's a little, well, deflating for me.  When I first disclosed that to Skip, he was in shock.  "That's the line?" he asked incredulously. 

So we were talking about the song again when it played over the weekend, and Skip confessed that he originally thought the line was "feeling pre-cise".  I said, "Yeah... that would have been better... maybe that's actually the lyric." 

"No.  I have checked.  It's 'feeling pretty psyched'." 
"Can we pretend it's 'feeling pre-cise'?" 

Does that lyric ruin the song for you?  Or are we over-thinking it?

3) 10: I'm having an internal debate with myself about whether or not to give up drinking soda once and for all.  For those of you who may not know, drinking Diet Coke is a ritual for me, and I've been told I have a very distinctive way of opening the can.  It's reverent.  I know they aren't healthy, and there are myriad reasons to give it up. 

But when I read things like how Karl Lagerfield drinks 10 a day? I want to offer up a salute and toast him with my own, semi-frozen beverage. 

Cheers, Karl. 

4) Buzz:  So you are familiar with the term offshoring, right?  Offshoring describes a company's relocation of a business process from one country to another (manufacturing is the most obvious example).  Basically, it's a fancy way of talking about outsourcing labor to the cheapest source, but since we all know what that means, there's a new word on the horizon. 

Bestshoring describes the process of locating the "best" resource for the job.  I'm sure the connotation is supposed to mean we are looking at "best" in terms of quality and efficiency and not cheapest.  When this term was introduced during a meeting of Skip's last week, there was laughter and a few "oh, come on's" around the room.

5)  iPhoneography:  Having a strong affinity for Instagram, I am always interested in tips to make the images better.  This tutorial is how to do it right.  As for me, I'll probably stick with using the Instagram filters.  Occasionally, when I'm feeling realllly ambitious, I might deploy "airplane mode" and layer on several filters before publishing.  Most likely, I'll reach for my real camera if I want a nice photo, but I commend the commitment to getting it perfect.

5) T-1: We are down to one week of summer.  We spent some time this weekend at the pool and had a visit with my dad.  We have a few things left on our list, and we are hoping to check the remaining items off this week. 

What is happening with you?

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