Monday, August 19, 2013

First Day of School, 2013

Today marks the first day of school.  Gracie and Lauren are entering first grade, and William George is starting K2. (He will attend class two mornings per week.)

George has been pretty vocal about his unwillingness to attend, and therefore, we were not overly surprised this morning when he said, "I not go."

Luckily, his sisters' enthusiasm caught on just enough for us to photograph him and get him out of the door.

Lauren has been absolutely giddy.  She has been barely able to contain her excitement.

Grace, on the other hand, has been a bundle of nerves and is anxious about both starting first grade and being separated from Lauren (they are in separate classes).  We deployed a number of strategies to distract her over the weekend, including a back-to-school, celebratory spaghetti supper/party in the dining room last night.  Those distractions helped, and she had a genuine smile on her face this morning.

In fact, there were no tears when the time came to hop out of the car.  They marched in proudly, and I cannot wait to hear how their day went.

After dropping the girls at school, we took George to preschool.  He was not happy, and although he willingly entered the building, he refused to go into his classroom.  We finally put him inside the classroom and left him to make friends.  When I picked him up at noon, he walked to the car (with his teacher) clutching "clothie" to him, and I'm pleased to report he was able to smile when talking about his day.  He confirmed that he sang songs, read stories, played with friends and had lunch.

What's better than that? I'm hoping our first graders have a similar report.

(For my quick reference, prior first days of school are as follows:  2012, 2011, 2010, 2009.)

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