Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ready, set, GO!

Since our summer vacation is winding down (less than two weeks left!), we have been making lists...  because that's what we do. 

Our first list was created by the duo and enumerates the things they want to do during their remaining free days.  Their list included:

1) See a theatrical production of Cinderella (we obviously drafted this list last week prior to the show).
2) Give themselves mani/Pedi's. 
3) Gymnastics lessons with mom. (Although they opted for dance camp, they have wistfully been performing gymnastics moves in the family room.)
4) Reading and going to the library.
5) Swimming.
6) Play with American Girl dolls, including Bitty Twins.
7) Play in the basement (painting!).
8) Play in the playroom (George's suggestion).
9) Go to the zoo.
10) Ride bicycles.
11) Go to their favorite park. 

We have also entered the school preparedness phase of summer.  Have you purchased school supplies? I picked up the duo's school supplies a couple of weeks ago because 1) we already had the list and 2) if I purchase supplies ridiculously early, I find the process less painful, i.e., as I'm tossing items into the cart, I'm thinking, this is insane.... now let's go back to the pool.  If you are checking off items on your to-do list also, try out Nina Restieri's back-to-school checklist.  If you click through, please don't get stressed about the two months, six weeks and one month action items.  You've probably already coordinated all of those items and/or they can do be done in a snap.  Anyrate, this is the workings of our second list. 

Finally, I stumbled across a fun idea the other day (found it!). When I was in elementary school, I remember being filled with a sense of dread when those back-to-school sales catalogs started pouring into our mailbox -- probably because the back-to-school message starts at least a full month before vacation is over.  To counter that, I like the idea of building some excitement around the idea of starting the school year fresh. We are starting a calendar x-off, counting down the days.  As each day gets x'd off, we're getting out and labeling a school supply item or two.  Since the duo weren't with me when their supplies were purchased, they are excited to see what's in store for them this fall. 

William George's matriculation at preschool is another matter altogether.  We have not yet received his teacher assignment or supply list, and he is, so far, expressing a refusal to attend. 

"George, do you want to go to preschool?"
"Don't you want to meet new friends?"
"Don't you want to go to school like your sisters?"

And that's when I realized a huge problem.  He is going to expect to go to their school, and he will be insulted to be dropped off at preschool, just as he was insulted by crawling when everyone else walked and how he refuses to use the stroller or any other thing that differentiates his two year old self from his six year old sisters. 

If anyone has a list for managing George's expectations, I would love to see it. 

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