Friday, May 13, 2016

Enumerated Update

Happy Friday, friends.

I have fallen into a Google quagmire in an attempt to make sure the Lindsey Twins domain auto renews except 1) the geniuses (ok, literally) at Google are prompting me to create a business account and 2) I always change all of my passwords before and after I make major changes to be on the safe side. The Apple save/auto fill password (they're as complex as nuclear codes!) are not pre-populating into the new account info, and - yada, yada, yada - I am locked out of everything, except for this one, lone page here that is open for reasons that I cannot explain.

Back to that first sentence, if it "auto" renews, shouldn't I be in the enviable position of not having to lift a finger? Isn't that the very promise of the "auto renew" experience?

Bottom line? I do not like being herded into creating a new, business account to manage my shop. Really, if Google needs to increase the domain fee, that would have been fine with me and preferable to paying for a business account, i.e., yet another email account to manage.

Very bottom line? I'm a little miffed about it, but since I usually disdain all open, public tirades (can we talk about the public tirade drama sometime?), let's move on to better topics, yes?

Here's the skinny:

1) Ballet: This is the best weekend of the year because it is recital weekend! In honor of that, let's revisit A Ballerina's Tale. Also, here's a little more Misty Copeland.

2) Career Advice: Words of wisdom from highly successful women.

3) Blogging: A dose of reality for when the highlight reels become too much to take.

4) Belated Mother's Day: I meant to do a Mother's Day post and include this quick clip. Better late than never, yes?

5) Ballerinas: The outstanding photos of Cuba's ballerina's dancing in the streets have made the rounds, but here is one more quick glance in honor of recital weekend.

Have a fantastic weekend.

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