Thursday, May 12, 2016

Ophthalmology and the City

How do you know you've gotten old? When, as a couple, you begin scheduling medical appointments together.

No, really, you schedule them together to make sure someone actually goes to the appointment (ahem). A fun fact about Skip is that he has better than perfect vision (20/12, I believe?) However, a few decades of heavy computer use and a lifetime of reading have finally caught up with him, and he has been using readers for the past few months. I finally talked him into investing in an actual pair of glasses.

As for me, I am like the Carrie Bradshaw character in SATC I*. The time of borrowing readers is over, and I am having to update my already significant prescription to include compensation for reading up close. I had vehemently refused to do this until I recently saw a photo one of the children had taken, and I am in the background, squinting harshly at my phone to try to make out the words. After some lengthy consultation with Jehoshua (pronounced as Joshua), a hip and helpful optometry assistant, Skip and I have new specs on the way.

*In looking for some footage of one of the borrowed glasses references, I ran across an old promotional clip featuring Patricia Field -- the very best ever. Aren't the clothes the best aspect of the SATC franchise?

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