Friday, May 20, 2016

Graduation, K4

William George donned his pirate attire and gave us his best pirate's brogue last night for his preschool program and K4 graduation.

The 4K classes and kindergarten classes have been working on learning their songs; the pledges to the American flag, Christian flag and Bible, the Lord's Prayer and the 23rd Psalm.

We loved the pirate scarf. George's teacher shared a YouTube tutorial, and I practiced it on myself before realizing I had completely messed up my hair. In the end it was worth it because George's pirate scarf held up throughout the program. Tuck and tie, friends... tuck and tie.

After the program and a video montage, the graduates lined up for their turn on stage.

 This moment... priceless.

Grammie came to watch the ceremony...

...As did Gran. Poppa wisely avoided the crowd (it was huge!) until he is more sure on his feet, post new hip.

Afterward, this little guy celebrated with cake, juice and lots of friends...

...and his sisters, who were so proud of him. Lauren wanted to be in charge of videoing the program, until I told her we could just order a copy of the video taken by the school.

Congratulations, William George! We are so proud of you!

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