Friday, April 21, 2017

Enumerated Update

Happy Friday, friends!

We made it!!! Congratulations to you for getting through a busy week.

Quickly, here's what's going on.

1) Regrets: Former President Bush says he regrets the poncho incident on inauguration day, but I find him more likable for being called out by his daughters for trending versus declaring something like he's a "decider".

2) Listmaker: I love lists. Did you see F. Scott Fitzgerald's list for his daughter, Scottie? It's a list of things to worry about, things to not worry about, and some things to think about it.

3) Thick or thin: Do you prefer thick or thin pizza crust? We are thin crust people. While we love homemade pizza, we haven't mastered a good, thin crust. Therefore, I am very interested in this video series on Skillshare.

4) Advertising: We spend a lot of time educating the trio about advertising and commercialism, and admitting that adults are often as susceptible as kids. This article made me laugh. (Language caution.)

5) Vacationing: Since school will be out in a few weeks (4-5 more weeks for us!), we will all be vacationing before you know it. We already do many of the tips/tricks in this article, but I am always on the lookout for new ideas (like #1). We recently added headlamps to the trio's nightstands and have found tons of uses for them already, and we will definitely be taking them on trips.

6) Reese: This made me laugh. For me, it's lipstick... I will not leave the house without lipstick on. And, if I am out for the day and do not have any in my purse, I will stop by a drug store and pick up a shade by Maybelline.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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