Thursday, August 11, 2011

The end of an era

Today marked the end of an era.  We said goodbye to our preschool, where the girls dutifully completed K2 and K3. 

Looking back, here they were on day one of K2 (August 2009):

Below is the beginning of K3 (August 2010):

And, if you will forgive the lunch remnants, here we are at the end of the summer program in August 2011:

The girls took on the water slides this morning at the "summer bash," and the water slides may have won.

The girls' rite of passage has gone completely unnoticed by George.  Other than eating, tummy time and his nightly bath, he is rarely awake (except, of course, in the middle of the night).  However, he is working on an imitation of an inchworm, as seen below:

Tummy time is exhausting!  Not as tiring as water slides, but fatiguing nonetheless. 

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