Monday, August 15, 2011

Look out, K4!

Today we suited up and embarked on the K4 year.  Lauren was antsy to get the school year started, whereas Gracie looked as if she would have preferred another couple of weeks of summer.  To really kick off the school year, we celebrated by serving the girls breakfast in bed this morning.  The breakfast in bed idea came to the girls courtesy of the "Mother's Day Brunch" installment of Fancy Nancy.  They adopted the concept, and they graciously prepared breakfast in bed for Mother's Day.  (They also repeated the gesture a couple of weeks later.)  They also wanted to celebrate Father's Day with breakfast in bed.  Finally, Gracie asked, "When is 'Sister Day?'"  Since there is no such thing as sister day (that I know of), we told her breakfast in bed might be a nice treat for their birthday or some other special occasion.  Today was the day.  We took some photos, but we are not really morning people.  As excited as they were about having their breakfast on trays in their very own beds, the photos basically show two very sleepy children staring at their breakfasts. 

Like so:

Nothing says "we're ready for K4" like tutu's so we built an ensemble around their favorite pink and lavender skirts. 

The girls were open-minded, big sports about dining in the lunchroom for their summer program, but we're sticking with packed lunches for the school year.  Enter Hello Kitty lunch bags.

On the drive to school, they were so excited.  Lauren kept rocking back and forth in her seat and periodically saying, "We're almost there!"  Her excitement was infectious, and soon rubbed off on Gracie.

They reported having a great first day and are very excited about the upcoming year. 

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