Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Six weeks and first laughs

Baby George is six weeks old today. Over the last week he has become increasingly alert, and he is even enjoying some play time on the floor. He is better at tummy time, but he really prefers being on his back so that he can kick his feet and move his arms about. He is quite energetic. We introduced some toys today. They were immediately confiscated by Gracie and Lauren until we talked about how fun it would be for George if they would show him how the toys work. They were very happy to school him up.

In other news, Grammie reports that George laughed while he was napping today. (I missed it because I had taken Gracie to a doctor's appointment.) George is such a happy boy. He was probably giggling about planning to sleep all day so that he could be up all night.

He is a prankster, that one.

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