Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Weekend update

Our weekends are kind of uneventful these days, as we are not eager to expose our newborn to extreme heat conditions and/or areas with a high likelihood of germ exposure.  Accordingly, we spent Saturday in/around the house.  We have not yet taken Baby George to church, but Skip has been braving church each week with the girls.  The bravery part references managing the girls alone, not our church.  Because I did not get ready, I had some time to get a couple of pics before they left.  I got them dressed, fixed hair (with a flat iron, mind you) and talked them into position, only to have them giggle and flash super fake smiles.  The above, out-of focus shot is the best I could do. 

They are monkeys. 

After church, my mom watched all three children (talk about bravery) while we ran a few errands.  We grabbed a quick lunch, and then stopped by The Summit for a couple of errands.  I did some additional research after my Restoration Hardware tirade, and I became very hopeful that they may have restocked on the rug I wanted to check out.  So Sunday we popped in the store, and they had them!  Voila! 

In a conciliatory gesture, I even picked up a baby&child catalog on my way out. 

Having resolved the rug situation (whew!), we headed home.  Later, my brother, James; Auntie Melinda; and Lexy came by to visit with George and the girls.  Everyone took turns holding George, and Melinda pulled double duty by playing with the girls upstairs.  I don't know about Auntie Melinda, but Lauren and Gracie slept very soundly after their play time. 

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