Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A mini update

I am woefully behind on loading photos, scheduling updates, etc.  Until a miracle occurs (and I am current), I'll share a tidbit from Friday afternoon.  George and I went to school to pick up the girls. 

The weather was  awesome so we decided to play outside for a while.  The girls rode bikes, raked leaves, played with their strollers and rode their scooters.  When it was time to go inside, we formulated our plan for the evening:  ordering pizza and making birthday cards for Skip.  (Skip was flying home from Detroit Friday night, and his birthday was Monday.)  After dinner, we got out the art supplies and made cards. They were so excited, but were willing to wait until Monday to gift the cards.  They promised they could keep the cards a secret.

Skip arrived home as we were wrapping up our pre-bedtime story/song time.  When he entered the room, Lauren said, "Daddy, I made you something, but I can't tell you what it is."

Gracie bolted upright in the bed, saying, "IT'S A CARD, DADDY!!!!  I MADE YOU A CARD!!!!!!!!"

I think we can rule out a career in military intelligence.  Journalism, maybe? 

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