Thursday, January 19, 2012


Back at the beginning of December, William George began having some issues with his skin.  He had a rash, severe itching, welts, and many, many self-inflicted wounds from scratching.  This was a head-to-toe occurrence.  I won't go into the details except to say that it was borderline unbearable for George and, as a much lesser consideration, very stressful and unpleasant for us.  We made calls to our physician, and we even ended up in the emergency room one weekend (did I mention the extremity swelling?).  We followed up with our pediatrician 10 days after the ER visit when he still had a severe rash. We think he had a mysterious virus, coupled with an allergic reaction.  We changed formulas (to one of the exorbitantly priced ones) and discontinued rice cereal.  After a couple of weeks, we tried oatmeal cereal, and he can tolerate that better, although he still has redness on his face and chest after eating.  He was very hungry so I finally tried bananas (the baby food version), and he had a moderate reaction.  We have discontinued everything but formula and oatmeal and are holding off on introducing anything else.  After a month+, his rash has cleared almost completely, but the food reactions still occur daily after feedings. 

Therefore, we have an appointment with a pediatric allergist today at 10:00, and we are booked for two hours to allow for any testing that needs to occur.  We know we need answers about his reactions and recommendations as to what he will be able to eat, but I do not want him to undergo allergy testing. 

I don't want to do it.

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