Thursday, January 12, 2012

Six months

Today is William George's six month birthday, and he is celebrating by having a well-baby visit.  He is absolutely getting a bad deal on his half-year birthday celebration. 

Here is a look back at our happy boy:


One Month:

Two Months:

Three Months:

Four Months:

Five Months:

Six Months:

George, you weigh 16 pounds, and you are currently wearing 6-9 month clothing. You have large feet, and the 9 month shoes we got for you to wear during the holidays barely squeeze onto your feet.

You still say "mama" and "dada," and you have said "LuLu" 3-4 times. (We are really encouraging you to work on your "Ga" sounds so that you can learn to say "Gracie.") Your sisters LOVE you. They play with you and kiss you constantly. For your part, your favorite thing about our home are the doors. To you, they are magical because, at any given moment, your sisters will burst through them with excited animation. You will sit in your exersaucer or Bumbo and watch them play for up to an hour at a time, although you are really wiped out after all that play. "You Are My Sunshine" is still your favorite songs, and you enjoy participating in our nightly story time, when you can stay awake for that event.

We love you, George!

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