Yesterday was a busy day. First, there was the school drop, where George and I saw Lauren and Gracie off for a great day of school. Next, we went to Target. I always take George's stroller in at Target, usually because I am there at 8:00am in the morning when vacant carts on the parking lot are few and far between.
Plus, having the stroller limits me to using the basket, although yesterday I had my eye on this little number that had been advertised as the "weekly wow" in Sunday's sale paper. (By the way, Target, knocking a mere $10 off the price does not exactly wow me, for future reference.)
Meet the Electrolux Ergorapido:
Anyrate, after getting a few items in the little basket, I ventured over to the vacuum section and scooped up the cordless vac. But for the chronic crumb situation at our home, I would have left the vac on the shelf ($10 discount, indeed). I picked it up with one hand, steered the stroller with the other, and made my way to check out. After settling up, a fellow shopper paused near my register and asked if she could help me get the vacuum to the car by placing the vacuum on the bottom of her cart. No, no, I assured her that I could manage everything just fine. She reiterated, asking if I was sure I didn't need help. I told her that the vacuum weighed probably five pounds (the highest quality plastic available, I'm sure) and that I usually have twin girls with me, in addition to George there in the stroller, so I am accustomed to having significantly more to maneuver to the car. She looked at me skeptically and then reluctantly headed toward the door.
For the record, I had George, the stroller and the vacuum loaded into the car and was pulling out of my parking space before she had slid onto her driver's seat. I would gloat about that, but I think we can all agree that it was definitely the sun, moon and stars aligning just right for that to occur.
As an aside, whenever I am at the Target I am always struck by how George's red and gray car seat/stroller matches the Target logo and color scheme perfectly. George could be the Target mascot.
Do you think a mascot would receive a discount?
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