Friday, January 27, 2012

The cost of allergies

William George was evaluated last week for food allergies.  Since then, we have incurred the following expenses:

Pediatric allergist (out of pocket - deductible not met):  $240.00

EpiPen (out of pocket - pharmaceutical deductible not met):  $198.00

Two prescription medications (out of pocket - deductible not  met):  $58.00

Locaid (topical prescription)(out of pocket - deductible not met) (our per person/per family deductible is obscenely high (not by choice)):  $222.00*

Hypoallergenic formula (out of pocket - coverage dispute):  $249.13**

The week's total:  $967.13, all of which are out of pocket expenses.  Not enumerated is the additional $100.00 in specialized soaps, oil and heavy purchase of Aquaphor to be used in lieu of lotion.  I am not feeling the love for our group health carrier today. 

*What is really special about the Locaid prescription is that there are three refills. 
**Even better, the formula is obviously an ongoing expense.  $250.00 represents a week's supply.


Melanie said...

Wow...I'm at a loss for words!

The Lindsey Family said...

Girrrllll, you and me both!