Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Yesterday Gracie and Lauren were scheduled to have their first swimming lesson.  Please do not do as I have done and wait until they are five to introduce swimming lessons.  How I have dropped the ball on this is beyond me, but we will take care of swimming now.  Anyrate, we were scheduled for a semi-private lesson, meaning that the duo will work with an instructor alone.  I woke William George from his afternoon nap, slathered him with sunscreen and wrestled him into a bathing suit.  The duo put on their suits, and were doused with sunscreen also.  We packed several bags and loaded everything into the car.  When we left, we saw nothing but blue skies. 

When we topped a hill to make our descent to the pool, I noticed a huge, dark cloud.  I persevered.  When I pulled into a parking space, I couldn't help but notice the pool was completely vacant.  When I opened the car door, I heard a thunderous clap. 

As George would say, "Uh-oh." 

I did not even unload the car.  The four of us shuffled inside to confirm that the pool was closed and would remain closed for 30 minutes after each thunder clap.  It could have been a while.  They recommended we reschedule.  We climbed back into the car, drove home and changed out of swim suits.  From start to finish, that entire exercise took one hour and forty minutes. 

Clearly, I do not have as much patience as Michael Phelps' mom.


Lindsay said...

Oh no! i hope you get your lessons in soon. At what age would you recommend starting lessons?

The Lindsey Family said...

Well... I may not be the best person to ask since I have waited. :) I am told that earlier is better and that classes begin as early as six months.