Tuesday, August 28, 2012

WGL, 13 Months

William George turned 13 months on August 12th.  He is doing fantastic!  I don't think I recorded his information after his one year, well visit, but he weighed 20 pounds, 10 ounces (50-75% ), and was 30 and 1/2" long (95th).  His head circumference was 18 3/4 (95th). 

George, you are running now!  You also climb into chairs.  Just this week, you started walking backward, and you seemed so pleased with yourself.  You can climb off of the dishwasher now (previously, you could get onto the dishwasher door, but could not get yourself down).  You sign "more," but to you that sign means "gimme".  You use that sign all the time for whatever shiny/interesting object is catching your eye.  You are exceptionally curious, and you have earned the obvious moniker ("Curious George").  Your sisters always say, "He's so curious!"  They also say, "George is so serious."  And you are serious.  Gracie and Lauren's teachers last year used to comment on your serious looks last year.  Suddenly, though, something will amuse you, and you will emit a joyful cackle. 

You had a return appointment with the allergist recently.  Although you continue to have medication thrice daily and continue with what we call your "skin protocol," i.e., various oils, ointments, topical medications, you are doing great overall.  Your doctor wants to repeat your allergy testing in approximately six months or so, and we are hopeful you will have outgrown them.  Currently, you are mostly eating carrots, green beans, squash and peas.  You have been able to eat vanilla yogurt and many fresh vegetables.  You still have a strong reaction to peanut dust.  For example, we cannot have peanut M&M's in the house, as you are sure to have a reaction if we cave and have some. 

Your favorite things include anything pertaining to technology, balls and Chapstick.  You have grown so much in the last few weeks and are a full-fledged toddler now.  You remain very jealous of your sisters, continuing to scream and pull at your sisters when they sit in our laps.  Luckily, they continue to adore and dote on you more with each passing day.  Gracie watches your every move, and is the first person to respond to you when you do something potentially dangerous.  Your dangerous activities usually take the form of putting some object in your mouth, and Gracie will grab you, perform a perfect "hook maneuver" with her finger to remove the object.  Today Lauren said she wished that you were their twin, too, so that you could "all three be twins". 

Happy 13 months, George!


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