Monday, April 22, 2013

Enumerated Update

Hi, friends.  Let's hope this week is lighthearted and a week of healing for those who need it, yes?  In the meantime, here's where we are:

1)  Boston and Texas: Our prayers continue for the families of the fallen and for the injured.

This slideshow of Friday's manhunt reveals what living in Watertown was like last Friday.  A snippet from one interview really stuck with me. A resident was describing being sheltered under the bed with his family, and I could not even begin to imagine keeping my three children underneath our bed for an hour while gunfire rang out through our neighborhood.  We salute our Boston neighbors and are in awe of their spirit. 

2)  Optimism: In response to last week, posting will resume here as usual.  The mission of this site is to document and celebrate the daily minutia of our lives at this juncture.  We are called to be a light, and we will try to be exactly that, especially when darkness falls. 

3)  Lately: The first reviews of Before Midnight are out and are raves.  In addition to that film, we are also eagerly awaiting the Gatsby remake.  Speaking of, I went through an F. Scott Fitzgerald phase in the late 90's, and this collection of book covers makes me wants to revisit a few of his works.  Since I no longer have the luxury of time to re-read books, I may settle for the movie. 

What is happening with you?

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