Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Finally, after many years with the same glasses, I ordered a new pair after my annual eye exam last week. Since I have plenty of contacts on hand and since I splurged on prescription sunglasses last year, I decided to put my vision insurance allotment toward new frames. 

"Wow! I guess you have had this pair since 2009!" the optician verified. 

No.  Not exactly.  I had the lenses replaced in 2009.  The frames were purchased in 2002, meaning they have been worn for 11 years. How I resisted the urge to drag them behind my car on the way home is a mystery.  Oddly, I guess they are still kind of in style because there were similar pairs sitting on the optical showroom floor.

But so now I am in the honeymoon phase with the new frames (Salt's Lileo in "blonde Havana"), and I want to wear them constantly.  Salt is to optics what Apple is to the computer so it's no surprise that I love them. 

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