Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Lauren's Milestones - Second Lost Tooth

As those familiar with the situation can attest, Lauren has been exceptionally gracious over the last few months while watching Gracie lose tooth after tooth and have frequent visits from the Tooth Fairy. Of course, that isn't to say her graciousness was effortless. No, only by dint of (self) discipline was she able to congratulate her sister repeatedly.

This photo from December captures her response to Gracie's recurrent euphoria.

 Anyrate... we are all about putting out positive feelings, and she is reaping the rewards. Last Friday (for accuracy, April 12th), Lauren climbed into the car and announced she had lost her second tooth at school that day. Because the loss occurred on the play ground, she was unable to locate the tooth, although she and Gracie searched diligently. That night we wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy:

Dear Tooth Fairy,

I lost a tooth!  Lauren lost a tooth! I can't find it.  I was at school. It was lost there. I love you so much. 


I helped Lauren find it. I'm sure if she can't find it, the Tooth Fairy will leave money for her, Gracie and George. 


 Lauren found her responsive correspondence the next morning:

She is enjoying her time in the spotlight.

And Grace-bug is learning some lessons about being happy for others.  Overall, she is doing well.

I'm sure the Tooth Fairy would be pleased.

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