Wednesday, April 24, 2013

WGL - 21 Months

Dear William George,

You turned 21 months old on April 12th, and are as handsome as ever.  This past Sunday, after church, Skip said, "You know, I think he knows he's cute.  That he can just smile and get away with things."

Yes.  That is the essence of you, and that strategy works on the four people sharing a home with you.

This is said with each update, but this is probably my favorite time.  You are incredible!  You know all body parts, you know basic colors, you are learning shapes, and you can count to 10.  You can literally say anything, and your vocabulary is extensive.  Your favorite sentences are:

Thank you very much.
Gracie's in trouble.
Lauren's in trouble.
I love you.
I missed you.
Turn it off.
I have it?
Give it back.
George's turn.
You ok momma? (or dada, YuYu or Gracie)

As for your gross motor skills, you are simply "wide open," often running at a full spring, rarely walking, and jumping.... and jumping... and jumping.  You love to climb stairs, and you recently conquered the play ground slide.  You love to jump on beds and the furniture. In the fine motor skills department, you have been feeding yourself with a fork since you were 14 months old, and you color, write, and draw well.  

You still love music and dancing.  Your favorite objects are your cloths, giraffe, Snoopy collection, truck, and books.  You adore your sisters, and the feeling is mutual.  They each say numerous times throughout the day, "He's so cute!"  

William George, we love you more than ever.  (We'll buy new furniture and mattresses.)  


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